London Election 3rd May 2012

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Boris Johnson was born in New York on 19 June 1964

His family moved back to London when he was five years old. He was educated at European School in Brussels and then Ashdown House, in East Sussex. From there he won a scholarship to Eton College. He read Classics at Balliol College, Oxford.

Elected Mayor of London in May 2008.

As a journalist Boris Johnson started at the Times before moving to the Wolverhampton Express and Star. He returned to London in 1987 where he was leader and feature writer then European Community Correspondent on the Daily Telegraph. In 1994 he was promoted to assistant editor at the Telegraph. The same year he also began working as a political columnist at the Spectator magazine. He became editor of the Spectator until 2005.

As well as being a journalist, Boris has written several books, both fictional and factual, including ‘The Dream of Rome’ and ‘Friends, Voters, Countrymen,’ an autobiographical account of the 2001 election campaign.

Boris’s political career kicked off in 2001 with his election to the House of Commons as MP for Henley on Thames. He quickly moved up the ranks and held a series of senior positions, including Vice Chairman of the Conservative Party, Shadow Minister for the Arts and Shadow Minister for Higher Education.

In July 2007, Boris resigned from his role on Higher Education so that he was free to stand as the Conservative candidate for the Mayor of London. Having won the 2008 election he resigned as MP for Henley he now devotes his energies to what is “the best job in British politics.”

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