London Election 3rd May 2012

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The UK Independence Party’s manifesto for the 2012 London Assembly elections.

Up to 500,000 jobs are under threat following the capitulation of Conservatives/Lib-Dems to the EU which is trying to close down the City. London is the financial capital of the world: don’t let it be sold out to pay for Eurozone bail-outs. London’s financial services industries pay our pensions, build our hospitals, heat our schools and provide jobs for three million Londoners. We must defend them.


  • Salary freeze for all departmental heads in City Hall.


  • Create more jobs for Londoners by saying ‘No’ to open-door immigration.
  • Cut rates for local businesses employing local people.
  • Fight EU red tape strangling London businesses.


  • Zero tolerance on gangs, knife crime and anti-social behaviour. Offend on Saturday, face court on Monday.
  • Change operating procedures in the Met to support an easy system for people to effect Citizens’ Arrests for vagrancy, drunkenness, vandalism, weapons, low-level disorder, thieving, shoplifting etc. to help improve Met clear-up rates.


  • Scrap the Congestion Charge cameras.
  • Fight HS2.
  • 20 minutes free parking across London. l Free Saturday night and all-day Sunday parking.
  • 70-minute multiple bus journey tickets.
  • Beat the cheats, use redundant Congestion Charge to spot uninsured and untaxed cars on London streets.
  • Make all new taxis VAT exempt.
  • Crack down on illegal mini cabs across the capital.
  • Allow taxis to use Olympic VIP lanes.
  • Redevelop Manston Airport in Kent as international hub serving London via upgraded existing rail to Victoria.


  • Cut Council waiting lists in half by filling empty properties from a central register and prioritising the needs of long-term Londoners.
  • Cut VAT on the refurbishment of existing buildings.


  • No more fines for bin ‘offences’.
  • Cashback incentives for good recycling.
  • Local referenda on key developments.


  • Stop spending public money on public sculpture when pensioners can’t afford heating.
  • Impose a levy of 25p on all overseas visitors to raise money for the restoration of Big Ben.


  • Priority for Londoners – whatever their ethnic origin – for jobs and housing, over migrants and asylum seekers.
  • Until the Government gets a grip on our borders, put a cap on the number of immigrants allowed to settle in London.


  • Give landlords the power to decide if they want smoking rooms in pubs and clubs.
    5% VAT on beer and cider.

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