Should Apple Remove Anti-Gay iPhone App?
Chuck Ansbacher | Tuesday 22 March, 2011 13:50

When it comes to the content of the apps in their app store, Apple likes to steer as far away from conflict as possible. Rejecting just about anything that might be deemed offensive, sexual or suggestive, or even too funny, apps have been rejected for having the word booty in the title, allowing people to read the Kama Sutra, sort of making fun of George W. Bush, allowing you to put your face on an image of Jesus, and that’s just the beginning. The list is pretty long.
With that in mind, it’s interesting that Apple has decided to let an ant-gay, “freedom from homosexuality through the power of Jesus Christ” app remain in their stores — let alone praise it with a 4+ “no objectionable content” rating. Being offered by curers of the gays, Exodus International, the app promotes therapeutic techniques that have been rejected by every international medical organization.
Quite a bit of controversy is swirling around the ant-gay app, meaning that at least some people must find it objectionable. There is a petition to remove it from the marketplace circulating, and a professor claiming the app falsely cites his research.
Apple hasn’t been afraid to censor what’s offered in their store, and have pulled anti-gay apps in the past. As with any store, it’s theirs, and they have a right to offer what they want. But there are no other stores that sell iPhone apps; it is a marketplace of one. Because Apple makes such an incredible product, and projects an image of friendly, West Coast liberalness, this practice of blatant censorship doesn’t attract the ire of Apple die-hards that it should.
I am very anti-anti-gay, but I’m also anti-censorship. I appreciate Apple looking out for me — removing apps that might ruin my phone, or apps that might trick me into looking at dead kittens which would totally ruin my day. But that’s it. The entire practice is frankly scary, and also would have been considered very un-Apple a few years ago.
However, if you’re going to censor, you better be consistent. As long as Apple is removing apps from their store, they sure as shit better remove this one. Sign the petition.
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