Top 5

Bad taste costumes for Halloween 2010

Mike Pollitt | Wednesday 27 October, 2010 13:34

Halloween is a sacred festival, deeply rooted in traditional English folk culture. Either that, or it’s a chance to dress up in deeply offensive costumes and force feed each other Haribo until you explode. Here are five edgy, semi-topical costume ideas for this weekend which are guaranteed to raise eyebrows, heckles and your party profile.

Gazza and Raoul ‘Moaty’ Moat

What you’ll need:

For Gazza: England football wear, 4 KFC cartons, 1 child’s fishing net, 4 pack of beer, 1 comedy geordie accent.

For Moaty: Black clothes, 1 tub of protein shake, 1 toy gun, 1 comedy geordie accent.

Paul the Octopus (RIP)

What you’ll need:

1 pair boggly eye glasses, 8 kitchen gloves attached to cardboard tubes, 1 pipette full of ink for “hilarious” squirting gag.

Cat Bin Lady

What you’ll need:

1 horrible wig, 1 bin, 1 cat.

Wayne Rooney and Jennifer Thompson

What you’ll need:

For Jennifer Thompson: 1 set frilly underwear. 4 cans fake tan.

For Wayne Rooney: 1 disgustingly oversize wallet.

Anything that gives away the Mad Men Season 4 Finale

The worst costume crime of them all. Don’t you dare – some of us are still catching up…

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