Top 5

Deeply diverting daily photoblogs

Mike Pollitt | Friday 14 January, 2011 10:38

If the success of the internet (and I think by now it’s probably safe to call it a qualified success) proves one thing, it’s that no-one spends any time at work working. They spend it dicking around online. Here are five more ways to do exactly that.

City of Westminster photo archive
This is very good. New as of the start of 2011, a daily picture from the archives of the City of Westminster. Some are photos, some etchings, some little scraps of text…all are very crisp slices of historic London. One a day keeps the crushing ennui of modern living away.

London Daily Photo
As above, but with photos of modern London. So if you’re positioning your cultural persona as “cutting edge contemporary urban” rather than “history is wonderful” then this could be the one for you. It’s well established, so there’s a whole backslew of images to flick through, and it’s the top result when you Google “London photo”. And as we all know, Google never lies.

Astronomy Picture of the Day
This is those Nasa hipsters’ contribution to the daily photoblog scene. It is by some distance the most brilliant and amazing thing on the entire internet. Just mindblowing, every single day.

Kim Jong Il looking at things
This got a lot a lot of internet buzz before Christmas, so the more savvy and plugged in of you will doubtless be raising your eyebrows and kissing your teeth in that jaded way you have. Well I’m raising my eyebrows and kissing my teeth at YOU, kids, because I’ve seen that attitude a million times and it won’t wash with me. Anyway, to return to the issue at hand, this tumblr is inexplicably hilarious.

Lovely, constantly updated design website which aggregates beautiful pictures of food and tells you how to make it. Also check out sister site NOTCOT which does the same for contemporary design. Here be pretty things.

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