The Metropolis

The London Eye Olympic happiness index illustrates everything that's wrong with everything

Mike Pollitt | Thursday 19 July, 2012 10:04

“The mood of the British tweeting public during the Olympics and Paralympics will dictate what colour the London Eye turns every evening at 9pm, in the world’s first social media driven light show.”

I’m so depressed by this paragraph in the Telegraph that I’m setting my personal London Eye happiness index to “blacker than a crow’s armpit”.

The tweeting, the branding (it’s for EDF), the transparent falsity of the whole exercise…the tyranny of imposed happiness…

The urge rises to tweet something really grim, a dismal Graham Greene novel say, in its entirety, to keep the torch of misery alive in these troublingly cheerful times.

The Telegraph – Happy Olympic tweeters to light up London Eye

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Twitter: @Mikpollitt

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