The Metropolis

"I'm told that cycling is safe...but my husband is dead" - Debbie Dorling speaks about losing her husband Brian

Mike Pollitt | Monday 24 September, 2012 16:10

Laura Borner interviewed Debbie Dorling, whose husband Brian was killed while cycling at Bow Roundabout last year. It’s a very difficult interview to watch.

Ten cyclists have died so far in 2012. We shouldn’t tolerate the status quo.

The whole film, entitled White Bikes, is a cogent run-down of the arguments for improving cycling infrastructure in London. It includes contributions from TfL, the Mayor’s office and the London Cycling Campaign.

See also:

Data on accidents which have killed or seriously injured cyclists in London
As Chicago sets a target of zero road deaths, where is our Road Safety Plan?
We can only look on enviously at Berlin’s cycling paradise
Is Boris really going to go Dutch – or has he got his head in the sky?

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