
Lucky Dragons » 9 February

John Rogers | Tuesday 1 February, 2011 22:20

Café Oto | 18 – 22 Ashwin St, E8 3DL
In a statement that reads as much like an art strategy as a band biog, the Upset The Rhythm website states that Lucky Dragons “means any recorded or performed or installed or packaged or shared pieces made by Luke Fischbeck, Sarah Rara and any sometimes collaborators”. Named after a Japanese fishing vessel that was caught in the fallout of a US hydrogen bomb test in the Pacific Ocean, the project allegedly began in the year 2000 in an attempt to form a band that would never break up. The music (and visual accompaniment) is as artistic as you might expect from the back story: textural, atmospheric electronica, often non-linear, and always intriguing.

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