
London agenda for Wednesday 17 October 2012

Darren Atwater | Wednesday 17 October, 2012 12:00

1. Watch Tony Law play host to a night of comedy featuring The Shitbox [Run Riot]

2. See Streetwise + The Houseless Shadow at the Barbican [Don’t Panic]

3. Join Dave Hill (Guardian Online), Sonya Barber (Time Out), Michael Pollitt (Snipe London), Chloe McCloskey (Lecool) and Ian Mansfield (Ianvisits) as they talk about the best of blogging and discuss how blogs have transformed the way people experience the capital. [Ian Visits]

4. Buy art materials at Stuart R Stevenson [Tired of London]

5. Hear a free show at the Shacklewell Arms featuring Faye // Cut Ribbons // Among Brothers [London in Stereo]

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