Previewing the next decade in London housing: the landlords are winning
Mike Pollitt | Thursday 8 November, 2012 13:18
Here’s Property Wire’s breakdown of this (PDF) report forecasting no improvement in London’s housing situation over the next decade.
“The UK government forecasts a rise in household numbers in London of between 34,000 and 38,000 annually up to 2028, however, based on development levels over the last 10 years, an optimistic estimate of the number of homes which will actually be delivered each year is 21,000”
The report was commissioned by Cluttons, a property consultant. Bear in mind they’ve got a reason for doing that.
But this government chart quoted in the report is useful. Fewer new homes for the private market are being built than was the case four or five years ago. Building of new social homes remains at a steady, low level.
In other words, demand is predicted to outstrip supply. And we know what that means.
Conclusion: the landlords are winning.
See also:
Walthamstow dog track to become new flats
The call goes out for lower rents in London. Chance of that happening, slim
Some extremely disheartening facts about housing in London
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