
London agenda for Thursday 14 March 2013

Darren Atwater | Thursday 14 March, 2013 09:57

1. Listen to the cinematic soundscapes of Simon Fisher Turner at the ICA [Le Cool]

2. Celebrate photography, xerox printing and skateboarding, action, documentary, and reportage at Xerox and Destroy [Run Riot]

3. Watch Skinny Girl Diet + Dumbjaw + SStrange + Molasses at the Brixton Windmill [Don’t Panic]

4. Hear comical ballads sung in the streets, taverns and theatres from Shakespeare’s time at Have I Got News for Thee! [Ian Visits]

5. See Oliver Cromwell [Tired of London]

6. Watch Purity Ring at St John at Hackney Church [London in Stereo]

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