Stop being horny

South Londoner Mark Warren created the above video to help combat the rise in rhinoceros killings by poachers looking to grind up their horns. Listen to what Mark says.

TfL has a suggestion to lower cyclist deaths at the Bow flyover

The above video is a proposal by Transport for London to reshape the bicycle lane at the Bow flyover, a spot notorious for cyclist deaths.

Bow Roundabout improvements [TfL]

Alan Moore visits Occupy London

I’m not certain that a guy responsible for hundreds of millions of pounds worth of films and comics is an underground figure like Channel 4 says but this video of Alan Moore speaking to his V-for-Vendetta-masked spawn at Occupy London is pretty good.

In the Woods Festival 2013

Stay on the Job Uncle Sam poster

Emirates Air Line
Emirates Air Line

Dead fish in London's river Lea caused by pollution after a storm

Dustin Wong

Artists impression of a fatberg on the 4th plinth

His Clancyness

London home owners, private renters and social renters 1961-2011

Jaako Eino Kalevi

London median rent chart 2013

Lilo Evans and Tristan Stocks in the Mikado

Chart showing how Londoners get to work across inner and outer London
Chart showing how Londoners get to work by mode, 2011 data
Chart showing how the way Londoners get to work is changing over time

Map of empty homes or second homes in London

London borough population changes 2011-2012

Map of red kite sightings in London, May 2014

Artists impression of the "Teardrop", as seen from Ridley Rd, Dalston

Poster against Chatsworth Rd market in London

Tim Cresswell's poetry collection Soil, published by Penned in the Margins



Still Corners - Into The Trees

Still Corners have released a timely arboreally-themed song “Into The Trees”, new video above, as well as announcing some February tour dates in February 2012, by which time we’ll possibly all be huddled around the fire burning family heirlooms for heat as both the winter and the cuts deepen.

03/02 – Kraak Gallery – Manchester
04/02 – Captain’s Rest – Glasgow
06/02 – Brudenell Social Club – Leeds
07/02 – Bodega – Nottingham
08/02 – Cargo – London
09/02 – Louisana – Bristol
10/02 – Hope – Brighton

In the Woods Festival 2013

Stay on the Job Uncle Sam poster

Emirates Air Line
Emirates Air Line

Dead fish in London's river Lea caused by pollution after a storm

Dustin Wong

Artists impression of a fatberg on the 4th plinth

His Clancyness

London home owners, private renters and social renters 1961-2011

Jaako Eino Kalevi

London median rent chart 2013

Lilo Evans and Tristan Stocks in the Mikado

Chart showing how Londoners get to work across inner and outer London
Chart showing how Londoners get to work by mode, 2011 data
Chart showing how the way Londoners get to work is changing over time

Map of empty homes or second homes in London

London borough population changes 2011-2012

Map of red kite sightings in London, May 2014

Artists impression of the "Teardrop", as seen from Ridley Rd, Dalston

Poster against Chatsworth Rd market in London

Tim Cresswell's poetry collection Soil, published by Penned in the Margins



Zebra and Snake - Burden

Releasing tracks into the blogosphere like so many bright helium balloons is the internet-age equivalent of the Hit Single. It was only a matter of time, then, before song trailers started to appear. Zebra and Snake were stars of our Nov 2011 issue, and here’s a taste of their next track “Burden”, coming soon to an internet near you, in advance of their debut album “Healing Music” early next year.

In the Woods Festival 2013

Stay on the Job Uncle Sam poster

Emirates Air Line
Emirates Air Line

Dead fish in London's river Lea caused by pollution after a storm

Dustin Wong

Artists impression of a fatberg on the 4th plinth

His Clancyness

London home owners, private renters and social renters 1961-2011

Jaako Eino Kalevi

London median rent chart 2013

Lilo Evans and Tristan Stocks in the Mikado

Chart showing how Londoners get to work across inner and outer London
Chart showing how Londoners get to work by mode, 2011 data
Chart showing how the way Londoners get to work is changing over time

Map of empty homes or second homes in London

London borough population changes 2011-2012

Map of red kite sightings in London, May 2014

Artists impression of the "Teardrop", as seen from Ridley Rd, Dalston

Poster against Chatsworth Rd market in London

Tim Cresswell's poetry collection Soil, published by Penned in the Margins



When Saints Go Machine - Parix

The best emergent band of 2011 When Saints Go Machine release another great video, this time for the flexing, serpentine pop of ‘Parix’, taken from their brilliant debut “Konkylie”. Catch them live on the Koko’s big stage in support of the Apparat Band on October 20th.

In the Woods Festival 2013

Stay on the Job Uncle Sam poster

Emirates Air Line
Emirates Air Line

Dead fish in London's river Lea caused by pollution after a storm

Dustin Wong

Artists impression of a fatberg on the 4th plinth

His Clancyness

London home owners, private renters and social renters 1961-2011

Jaako Eino Kalevi

London median rent chart 2013

Lilo Evans and Tristan Stocks in the Mikado

Chart showing how Londoners get to work across inner and outer London
Chart showing how Londoners get to work by mode, 2011 data
Chart showing how the way Londoners get to work is changing over time

Map of empty homes or second homes in London

London borough population changes 2011-2012

Map of red kite sightings in London, May 2014

Artists impression of the "Teardrop", as seen from Ridley Rd, Dalston

Poster against Chatsworth Rd market in London

Tim Cresswell's poetry collection Soil, published by Penned in the Margins



Planningtorock - Living It Out

Living It Out from planningtorock on Vimeo.

A great new video from the Berlin-based-Bolton-born art heroine. See her live at the Scala on October 11th.

In the Woods Festival 2013

Stay on the Job Uncle Sam poster

Emirates Air Line
Emirates Air Line

Dead fish in London's river Lea caused by pollution after a storm

Dustin Wong

Artists impression of a fatberg on the 4th plinth

His Clancyness

London home owners, private renters and social renters 1961-2011

Jaako Eino Kalevi

London median rent chart 2013

Lilo Evans and Tristan Stocks in the Mikado

Chart showing how Londoners get to work across inner and outer London
Chart showing how Londoners get to work by mode, 2011 data
Chart showing how the way Londoners get to work is changing over time

Map of empty homes or second homes in London

London borough population changes 2011-2012

Map of red kite sightings in London, May 2014

Artists impression of the "Teardrop", as seen from Ridley Rd, Dalston

Poster against Chatsworth Rd market in London

Tim Cresswell's poetry collection Soil, published by Penned in the Margins



Miracle Fortress - Miscalculations

Here the latest video from Montreal’s Miracle Fortress. See them live in London tonight at White Heat, the long-running indie club held at Madame Jo Jo’s in Soho.

In the Woods Festival 2013

Stay on the Job Uncle Sam poster

Emirates Air Line
Emirates Air Line

Dead fish in London's river Lea caused by pollution after a storm

Dustin Wong

Artists impression of a fatberg on the 4th plinth

His Clancyness

London home owners, private renters and social renters 1961-2011

Jaako Eino Kalevi

London median rent chart 2013

Lilo Evans and Tristan Stocks in the Mikado

Chart showing how Londoners get to work across inner and outer London
Chart showing how Londoners get to work by mode, 2011 data
Chart showing how the way Londoners get to work is changing over time

Map of empty homes or second homes in London

London borough population changes 2011-2012

Map of red kite sightings in London, May 2014

Artists impression of the "Teardrop", as seen from Ridley Rd, Dalston

Poster against Chatsworth Rd market in London

Tim Cresswell's poetry collection Soil, published by Penned in the Margins



Ronika - In The City

Another velcro-catchy pop number from underground pop starlette Ronika.

In the Woods Festival 2013

Stay on the Job Uncle Sam poster

Emirates Air Line
Emirates Air Line

Dead fish in London's river Lea caused by pollution after a storm

Dustin Wong

Artists impression of a fatberg on the 4th plinth

His Clancyness

London home owners, private renters and social renters 1961-2011

Jaako Eino Kalevi

London median rent chart 2013

Lilo Evans and Tristan Stocks in the Mikado

Chart showing how Londoners get to work across inner and outer London
Chart showing how Londoners get to work by mode, 2011 data
Chart showing how the way Londoners get to work is changing over time

Map of empty homes or second homes in London

London borough population changes 2011-2012

Map of red kite sightings in London, May 2014

Artists impression of the "Teardrop", as seen from Ridley Rd, Dalston

Poster against Chatsworth Rd market in London

Tim Cresswell's poetry collection Soil, published by Penned in the Margins



Future Islands - Before The Bridge

Future Islands – Before the Bridge from Thrill Jockey Records on Vimeo.

Here’s the striking video for Snipe favourites Future Islands‘ new single, taken from the forthcoming album “On The Water”. See them live on Saturday at Plan B in Brixton. Highly recommended.