The Metropolis

London agenda for Wednesday 9 March

Darren Atwater | Wednesday 9 March, 2011 08:49

1. Visit a new micro cinema in South London [Le Cool]

2. Take at look at the works of Mary Shelley, Emily Dickinson and Virginia Wolf and explore the presumed madness of the women that created some of literature’s greatest works [Run Riot]

3. Learn how to translate comic books to video games [Flavorpill]

4. Find your nearest toilet [Tired of London]

5. Hear some speedfreak Kraftwerk crossed with a rock ‘n’ roll Suicide at Ulterior, Islington Boys Club and Neurotic Mass Movement [London Gigs]

6. Listen to spoken word celeb Polarbear and the rising stars, Indigo Williams, Professor Elemental and Mia Jerome at Apples & Snakes [Jon Davis]

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