Daily MPfree: Tennis

Husband-wife duo Tennis make dreamy-sounding lost rock ‘n’ roll classics that are actually brand new. PSYCHE.

Tennis – Marathon by snipelondon


Daily MPfree: Murder

Four years ago, Danish duo Murder were an unlikely pop hit in their home country – their entrancing debut single “When The Bees Are Sleeping” was a number one single on the Elektriske Barometer, the national radio chart voted for by listeners. They’ve recently returned with some new songs, starting with “Providence”; hear both strands of their darkly beautiful folk below. The new album, “Gospel of Man”, is out in Denmark on October 11th via Good Tape, and will be available for UK residents to buy online.

Murder – Providence by snipelondon

Murder – When The Bees Are Sleeping (Good Tape Records) by brainlove