The Metropolis

The Queen was hot, suggests new art exhibition

Mike Pollitt | Tuesday 15 May, 2012 08:51

Cathy Lomax’s portrait of a youthful her majesty goes on show in the Diamond Geezer exhibition at WW Gallery.

From the curators:

“The exhibition explores the ‘guilty pleasures’ of Jubilee celebrations: street parties, memorabilia, and all the joys of revelling in the high-camp of that very British of institutions, the monarchy.”

Revelling in the monarchy’s hereditary wealth and power is undoubtedly where most people, even, perhaps especially, young progressive people, are right now. The Shoreditch Jubilee street party is a fine example. If John Lydon wasn’t so busy making adverts for butter, he might raise his eyebrows at how things didn’t turn out.

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