
London agenda for Monday 12 November 2012

Darren Atwater | Monday 12 November, 2012 16:19

1. Watch last week’s MPFreers His Clancyness with Derby Sunshine and Looking Glass for a free show at the Rattlesnake of Angel

2. Relive the fun times of last summer with the new play Riot Night [Le Cool]

3. Get more of that Nordic Beat with Pepe Deluxé and Husky Rescue at Scala [Run Riot]

4. Watch the amazing Theatre Of Dolls puppet show, and Serafina Steer, at the Sebright Arms [Don’t Panic]

5. Grab some land from some poor people [Ian Visits]

6. Drink at The Bell, Aldworth [Tired of London]

7. See Blood Diamond // San Zhi at Birthdays [London in Stereo]

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