
London agenda for Thursday 25 April 2013

Darren Atwater | Thursday 25 April, 2013 15:01

1. View the Hamni Gallery’s showing of The Woman, The Gaze, The World [Le Cool]

2. Listen to writers Alex Wheatle, Jake Arnott and stand-up poet Kate Fox as they tell their stories of transforming people during their darkest moments at Writing Freedom [Run Riot]

3. Catch Chicago legend Robert Owens! at Dalston Superstore [Don’t Panic]

4. Visit subterranean London at Death and the City [Ian Visits]

5. Have an early night [Tired of London]

6. Watch Minus The Bear // Axis at Kingston Hippodrome [London in Stereo]

7. Hear The Growlers at the Shacklewell Arms [Spoonfed]

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