The Scoop

Royal couple bank on Boris's blue friends

Darryl Chamberlain | Friday 29 April, 2011 20:18

So here’s what Boris Johnson billed as London’s gift to the happy couple – a tandem version of one of TfL’s hire bikes. There’s even a cutesy video to go with it.

All of which raises a question. Is the mayor’s gift to Prince William and Kate Middleton proof of his off-beat sense of humour, and something to cherish? Or an embarrassment showing he’s in hock to the sponsors of his cycling initiative, using a royal event to get them some easy publicity?

With only a year to go until the next mayoral election, Londoners’ reaction to stunts like this will help decide whether Boris stays in power for another four years.

PS. The Scoop now has its own Twitter feed – @scooplondon. Our stories will still appear on @snipelondon, but we’ll be concentrating on London politics in the new account.

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