Silicon Roundabout

Forget SOPA, it's ACTA that people in the UK need to worry about

Darren Atwater | Wednesday 25 January, 2012 16:32

Call it the Americanisation of fear. Last week the Internets went black, or tweeted themselves silly over two proposed laws in the US Congress that would empower the US Justice Department to remove websites from search engines and to force ISPs to create ‘black holes’ of unsites, all without a trial involved. As scary as that sounds – we don’t live in the US.

No, the last grasp of a dying business model for certain media industries that affects the UK is ACTA, the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, which is being worked on at the EU level. Watch this cute video to see how it works. Michael Geist is a good resources to keep up to date.

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