Silicon Roundabout

Tuition-fee protestors release iPhone/Smartphone app to help students avoid kettling

Darren Atwater | Friday 28 January, 2011 10:47

London campaigners Sukey say that they will release some apps tomorrow to help tuition-fee protestors successfully get their message across and avoid the inconvenience of kettling.

From their blurb, the app is to:

To keep peaceful protesters informed with live protest information that will assist them in avoiding injury, in keeping clear of trouble spots and in avoiding unnecessary detention.

The application suite gives maximum information to those participating in a demonstration so that they can make informed decisions, as well as to those following externally who may be concerned about friends and family.

It should make full use of the crowd in gathering information which is then analysed and handed back to the crowd.

It’s still a secret how it works right now, but check out their page tomorrow morning, before heading to the demo.

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