
Barber and Hayward

Alan Hindle | Saturday 20 August, 2011 20:01

Two comics, no jokes. At least they were honest about this. Tom Hayward announced, ten minutes into his thirty minute slot, that he had no material, not even his “Have anybody ever/What’s up with that” schtick, and instead resorted to pointing at things. “Curtains,” he said, noting there were some curtains behind him. This was actually one of his jokes. There was a fan on the floor. “Fan.” I’ll say no more. Fred Barber was slightly funnier, but that’s only because he is a funny person. Odd, even. Strange. He also had a couple jokes, which helps a lot. Soon, however, he came clean that he had nothing left either, and pulled out some props. Then he dragged a member of the audience on stage- admittedly a friend as it turned out- and convinced them to engage in a double striptease. I have no doubt Barber would have gone full-cock-naked if the terrified friend hadn’t ended the bit by getting dressed again. I’m disappointed he didn’t anyway. Otherwise, the show was forty minutes long instead of an hour, twenty of which was standing around telling the audience they couldn’t be fucked putting a show together. At least We Don’t Care if You Like it tried to make something. Pathetic.

Camden Fringe Festival page

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