The Elizabethan era: a guide to Elizabeth Taylor's London
Chuck Ansbacher | Thursday 24 March, 2011 11:25
Elizabeth Taylor died yesterday, so chances are we missed the news cycle on this one. It’s not like she was some important, multi-news-cycle dominating tour de force of talent like Katie Price. No, she was just a regular old possibly most iconic actress of all time nobody; she could only find eight men desperate enough to marry her, and even when she became the highest paid actress ever, it was only for a million dollars.
Yawn. Who were we talking about again? Someone whose last name isn’t Geldof? Then who gives a shit.
Oh, you do. Well then, maybe since you are so into boring stuff that happened yesterday, you will also be interested to learn some even more boring I mean amazing and interesting London trivia about the deceased. For example, did you know she was born here? Or that one of her seven-dozen marriages happened here? Yup, it’s the truth.
If for some reason you want to know more, we’ve taken the liberty of pouring over all of the various Elizabeth Taylor encyclopedias we own in hardcover to find every London connection that Dame Liz, who truly truly honestly was and is so much more important than even one of Jordan’s boobs, and compiled them into a handy Google map that you can use to tour the city in glamorous, Taylorian style. Here it is! Go have a boring time with it!
View The Elizabeth Taylor Guide to London in a larger map
If you know something about Elizabeth Taylor that our encyclopedias didn’t, Twitter us about it and we’ll add it to the map!
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