
London agenda for Tuesday 18 September 2012

Darren Atwater | Tuesday 18 September, 2012 15:51

1. Listen to Robin Harris’s Dance Orchestra perform live with new artists to re-discover forgotten tunes at Wilton’s Music Hall [Le Cool]

2. Watch some corporate bullying, scare tactics, and PR-spin become the daily life of documentary filmmaker Fredrik Gertten all because he made a film about bananas at the Prince Charles [Run Riot]

3. Hear Best Coast at Borderline [Don’t Panic] Here’s an old interview we did with them.

4. Listen to historian David Crystal discuss the places where the English language came to be. [Ian Visits]

5. Attend the London Design Festival [Tired of London]

6. See Frightened Rabbit // Withered Hand at 93 Feet East [93 Feet East]

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