The Metropolis

Weather and portents for the week ahead

Mike Pollitt | Monday 10 September, 2012 11:28


It has not rained for 10 days now. The earth in the city parks is as grey and hard as stone. Joggers would rather run on tarmac, it’s easier on their knees. Leaves, sucked dry, droop downwards – as if eager to begin their autumn fall. But the wind is rising. The city’s thirst will soon be slaked.

  • Monday – Clouds build. With the night comes rain.
  • Tuesday – The wet earth exhales in relief, bringing cooler temperatures.
  • Wednesday – The seasons observe an uncertain truce.
  • Thursday – A fickle day. Don’t trust it.
  • Friday – The autumn wind sweeps summer far away.

The full BBC weather forecast is here.

There are no portents acting on the city’s inhabitants this week. Instead, your meaningless lives will be subject to the blind caprice of fate.

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