
Saa - Against Interpretation

Tom Jenkins | Friday 5 July, 2013 14:16

On Against Interpretation, mini sonic flourishes burst with colour around Linn Carin Dirdal’s chrome-plated vocals like sporadic bubbles popping on the meniscus of a long-flattened soft drink. It sounds freeform and loose but the suspicion is this is the kind of music that has been toiled over in the studio for weeks, months even, and then plained and sculpted like fine furniture.

We’re unabashedly excited about the debut EP from Norwegian/British pairing Saa and we hope you are too because it’s going to be ace, like being gently made love to by an etheral being from the future. Newcomers to the Saa religion should check out another teaser from the eponymous EP, out this coming Monday July 8 on Left Blank, here.

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