The Scoop

How London politics works (Part 3)

Adam Bienkov | Tuesday 21 February, 2012 16:20

Ken Livingstone cutting TfL’s revenue to save Londoners some money is a “swindle” that will risk the very future of the transport network.

Boris Johnson cutting TfL’s revenue to save Londoners some money is a prudent triumph that will secure the very future of the transport network.

Ken’s promise to cut fares year on year is an “unfunded sham” which he won’t be able to keep.

Boris’s promise to cut council tax year on year is a prudent and totally funded promise, which he will most definitely keep.

Ken promising to build expensive and unfunded transport projects is “pretending the tooth fairy will come” by waving “magic money” about.

Boris promising the exact same expensive and unfunded transport project three years later is not pretending the tooth fairy will come and is not waving magic money about.

Or to put it more simply: Ken’s unfunded giveaways = bad, Boris’s unfunded giveaways = good.

For further guidance read How London Politics Works part 1 and part 2

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